Help! It’s Raining Inside this Shipping Container.

  Help! It’s raining inside this shipping container. This article at a glance: What is Container Rain? It is harmful condensation that occurs when shipping containers move through different climates/temperatures. An estimated 10% of global shipments are damaged by container … Read more

Quick Checklist for Ordering Custom Crates

  Quick Checklist for Ordering Custom Crates What to have ready when you are ordering a custom industrial crate.   Here are the most important things to prepare when you need an custom industrial crate. With this information we can … Read more

Why Reid Packaging is an Essential Business

  Why Reid Packaging is an Essential Business   Over the past month, as the COVID-19 pandemic has ground the US economy to a near-halt, and many businesses have been shuttered by government mandate, we’ve had a number of clients … Read more

Update in response to COVID-19

  Update in response to COVID-19   We have received phone calls and inquiries in recent days from customers concerned about our work schedule during this time. Please note that Reid Packaging has been deemed an essential business by the … Read more

Virtual Visit to the Shop

  Virtual Visit to Reid Packaging Welcome to the shop!   In September, we invited a friendly video maker to the shop to help show our clients what we’re capable of. Below, you’ll find the first of several videos that … Read more